Counseling Services
The McEachern High School Counseling Department provides many services and programs for students, parents and faculty to assist in achieving academic success and in exploring options for the future. Counselors are assigned to students according to their last name. We work with students individually and in classroom instruction. Informational night meetings are provided for parents throughout the school year.

Individual Counseling - Counselors meet with students to assist with educational, career, emotional, and behavioral needs. School counselors provide short term counseling; referrals to clinicians for long term therapy can be made by request. Counselors meet with students individually based upon student, teacher, and parent requests. Each counselor's case load is approximately 450 students. Students will be seen in an appropriate, timely manner dependent upon the caseload and commitments of each counselor.
Core Curriculum - Counselors conduct classroom instruction throughout the school year in order to meet the standards and competencies set by the Georgia Department of Education, similar to standards set forth for curriculum areas. Classroom lessons are an integral part of a student’s education. Students are advised in the following sequence:
Freshmen: Career Exploration and Advisement
Sophomores: College Credit Now Opportunities
Juniors: Graduation Advisement and Post-Secondary Preparation
Seniors: Graduation Advisement and College Admission Process
Academic Advising - Academic advisement plans are based upon the competencies set by the Cobb County School District. Student advisement plans are delivered by grade level throughout the school year via classroom instruction, small groups or in individual sessions. If students have specific questions regarding their academic plan they are encouraged to schedule an appointment with their counselor.
Important Details

Students have the right to confidentiality. A counseling relationship requires an atmosphere of trust and confidence between students and counselors. Confidentiality ensures that disclosures will not be divulged to others except when authorized by students or when there is a clear and present danger to students and/or to other persons.

Counseling Appointments
Students can schedule counseling appointments with their counselor, ideally during elective classes and not during core classes (English, Math, Science,& Social Studies). Parents can request appointments by email or directly with the counselor. They should discuss classroom concerns with the teacher first. In-person conferences should be arranged through the counselor if necessary. For emergencies during school hours, contact our office directly. Outside office hours, contact the appropriate authorities for emergencies.